111/06/11 【國立教育廣播電台】 雙語/移民台東:在地跨界創生/布袋戲系列4-2
111/06/11【國立教育廣播電台】雙語 / 移民台東:在地跨界創生/布袋戲系列4-2
本校與國立高雄教育廣播電台合作的系列的雙語節目《漫遊者的異想世界》,「移民台東 :在地跨界創生 / 布袋戲系列4-2」於6月11日播出,節目中由 抵台東執行長 劉誥洋 分享移居台東創業的故事 及 文藻外語大學英國語文系 羅宜柔老師 以英語介紹台灣的布袋戲文化!歡迎大家一起來收聽! 詳細資訊可參看國立教育廣播電台臉書粉絲專頁。
訪來賓:邸台東執行長 劉誥洋 / 文藻外語大學英國語文系 羅宜柔Sandir
從高雄移居台東,從0到1, 10年彷彿只是一晃眼。
****** 口袋英語 Pocket English ******(收聽時間 47:55-55:00)
來賓:文藻外語大學英國語言系 Sandie 羅宜柔老師
主題 : 布袋戲系列4-2 : Types of Puppet shows
Today we are going to talk about the types of Taiwanese puppet shows.
In 1940s, during the Japanese occupation period of time, the government was promoting a so called "The Kominka Movement" 皇民化運動. Traditional Taiwanese puppetry was forced to make a change. For example, the traditional music was replaced by western music. Some puppets were even put on Japanese outfits. The show was performed in Japanese language and the traditional Chinese stories were also replaced by Japanese stories such as Mito Koumon 水戶黃門. It was not a surprise that this puppetry was not popular. However, such a blending, mixture had put certain impact onto the future development of Taiwanese puppet shows. For example, the blending of western music is very common in puppet show now. We can say it is thanks to the enforcement in the Japanese occupation time.
In 1950s, the puppet had faced a big change. There were more and more Open-air Theatrical Performance 野臺戲. Therefore the head of a puppet was getting bigger and bigger. To attract more audience, the outfit of a puppet was exaggeratingly decorated. A very famous phrase was frequently used and it could represent this type of puppet show, the phrase is splendid golden glitter with thousands of auspicious ray金光閃閃瑞氣千條. Maybe that is the reason why it was called the golden or the golden ray puppet show or golden-light puppet show.
Up to now, we have talked about four types of puppet shows, traditional puppet show, Puppet show in the Japanese occupation time, golden ray puppet shows and TV puppet shows. When we talk about TV puppet show, however, it is not really those in 1970s but those after that. When puppets are on TV, they need to look fabulous. Therefore, they are made moveable. Being moveable means, the puppets can move their limbs easily. There are joints in their hands and legs and what is even better is they are taller. The puppets made now are taller than 150 cm with a perfect body proportion, the so called (with a nine-headed body ) .............................................
主持人:葉思吟 Arielle
email : leafkateyeh@gmail.com
FB : 葉子的漫遊者世界
電台首播時間 : 每周六早晨 8~9點,教育電台播出♫頻道:高屏FM101.7、嘉南FM107.7、澎湖FM99.1、恆春FM99.3
網路收聽連結 : https://reurl.cc/pWNyvZ