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111/06/18 【國立教育廣播電台】雙語<非遊記>之我們不是來玩的 : 協同策展人張正專訪/布袋戲系列4-3

2022/06/18 【國立教育廣播電台】雙語<非遊記>之我們不是來玩的 : 協同策展人張正專訪 / 布袋戲系列4-3

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本校與國立高雄教育廣播電台合作的系列的雙語節目《漫遊者的異想世界》,「<非遊記>之我們不是來玩的 : 協同策展人張正專訪 / 布袋戲系列4-3」於6月18日播出,節目中由燦爛時光書店負責人 張正為大家介紹台灣的移工文化,還有文藻外語大學英國語文系 羅宜柔老師以英語介紹台灣的布袋戲文化!歡迎大家一起來收聽!

主題:<非遊記>之我們不是來玩的 : 協同策展人張正專訪 / 布袋戲系列4-3

來賓:燦爛時光書店負責人 張正 / 文藻外語大學英國語文系 羅宜柔Sandie

主持人:葉思吟 Arielle

1989年,台灣引進台灣第一批外籍勞工,時至2022年,人數已達70萬人。 無論他們是做甚麼,來自何方,我們習慣稱呼他們為外籍勞工,這群被廣泛稱為「補充性勞力」的外來朋友,我們對他們的了解其實很少。 當代藝術館破天荒舉辦以如此議題的展出,除了主要策展人鍾適芳研究外勞議題多年,協同策展人張正與廖雲章,也是台灣第一份辦給異鄉人看的母語刊物《四方報》創辦人,長期以來關注相關議題與協同發聲,本集節目將邀請張正聊聊這次所負責的1F單元:〈我們可不是來玩的〉展覽發想與規劃,以及這些年來隨著《四方報》開展的移工文化與族群互動等發展。 <非遊記>展覽將在當代藝術館展出至2022.07.17,同時提供線上導覽,相關訊息可見VR導覽:https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=uVogUfwFxzV


****** 口袋英語 Pocket English ******(收聽時間 47:10-53:32)

Opening poems and theme songs (內容部分摘要)

Today we are going to talk something poetic. We will talk about the opening poetry and theme songs in Taiwanese puppet show. The Taiwanese puppet show is related to Chinese opera, so, it is not a big surprise that we see similarities between them and one of the similarities is the opening poems . Originally in the drama in Yuan Dynasty, also called , it was a routine for a new character to reveal his background by a poem. And this is the opening poem. It is usually in five words or seven words in one line. However, as time goes by, the poem is not really in five or seven words and the puppet can recite his poem when he shows the first time, when there is something important happening or when he is about to die. So not only do we have 開場詩 we also have 出場詩 and 退場詩.


Taiwanese puppet shows used to be very popular. It is not just because of the performance and the voice action. The theme song also plays a crucial role. As indicated in last episode, thanks to the Japanese occupation period of time, Taiwanese puppet shows have put Japanese cultures especially Japanese songs in their performance. In 1970s, the prime time of Taiwanese puppet show, 黃俊雄 and his team have made a lot of famous songs. And many of them are adapted from Japanese songs. Here are some examples. 







資料來源:1110618  國立教育廣播電台