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111/06/25 【國立教育廣播電台】 雙語/文化遺產 Pizza Napoletana : 老周師父傳承好風味/布袋戲系列4-4

111/06/25【國立教育廣播電台】雙語 / 文化遺產 Pizza Napoletana : 老周師父傳承好風味/ 布袋戲系列4-4


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本校與國立高雄教育廣播電台合作的系列的雙語節目《漫遊者的異想世界》,「文化遺產 Pizza Napoletana : 老周師父傳承好風味 / 布袋戲系列4-4」於6月25日播出,節目中由  Pizzeria da Chou 負責人 周鴻成 分享傳承正宗口味披薩的心路歷程 及 文藻外語大學英國語文系 羅宜柔老師 以英語介紹台灣的布袋戲文化!歡迎大家一起來收聽! 詳細資訊可參看國立教育廣播電台臉書粉絲專頁。



邀訪來賓:Pizzeria da Chou 負責人 周鴻成 / 文藻外語大學英國語文系 羅宜柔Sandie


可想過你吃的是正宗義大利口味的披薩? 或是美式改良口味?

廣告中拿玻里披薩 Pizza Napoletana 的橋段肯定讓聽眾難忘,但對於正宗拿坡里披薩,真得是這樣嗎?

想像一下已經被承認為文化遺產拿玻里披薩 Pizza Napoletana ,可能比想像中深奧又美味,又兼具推廣在地新鮮食材美意喔 ~

曾經前往義大利拿玻里披薩 Pizza Napoletana 發源地參與競賽和觀摩的 Pizzeria da Chou 老周披薩店師傅 #周鴻成 ,在台灣一心一意推廣正宗口味,娓娓道來傳承百年的披薩秘訣和珍貴之處,分享當地人如何真是和看待傳統口味的重要性。

想一嘗真正傳承自義大利拿玻里 PizzaNapoletana 的披薩嗎 ? 這集保證讓您邊聽邊肚子咕嚕咕嚕叫 ~~~~~ ^^


******  口袋英語 Pocket English (收聽時間44:50-50:50)

來賓:文藻外語大學英國語言系 Sandie 羅宜柔老師

主題 : 布袋戲系列 4-4 :  布袋戲的政治觀、禁忌、推廣與創新



As to the taboo, during the performance, when voice -actors need to mention about snakes, they have to use other name such as Mr. Slippery or Small dragon. The reason is because puppet workers pay respect to Lord of 西秦 who has been trapped in the valley by snakes. So, people in the puppet industry are afraid of snakes, taking snakes as something unfortunate. The puppet workers do not eat Mitten Crabs either because another patron god of theirs, General 田都 has been saved by the crabs. 

Finally, I would like to talk about the innovation of Taiwanese puppet shows. When we talk about the innovation, we should never skip a famous troupe.......

SamadhiTang Creative Puppet Troupe. 三昧堂 is mainly made by several people who try to promote Taiwanese puppet show during their leisure time. All these people have their own jobs but still they work very hard for the puppetry. .............

Recently, 三昧堂 tries their best to work together with people from different industries. For example, they have worked with echo music to make many elegant performances. They have even worked with a professional in Bless-flower winding 春仔花 或 纏花, holding workshops to pass down this traditional skill. It is thanks to 三昧堂 that I learn many cultures that I have never heard before.



主持人:葉思吟 Arielle

email : leafkateyeh@gmail.com

FB : 葉子的漫遊者世界

電台首播時間 : 每周六早晨 8~9點,教育電台播出♫頻道:高屏FM101.7、嘉南FM107.7、澎湖FM99.1、恆春FM99.3


網路收聽連結 : https://reurl.cc/pWNyvZ



