111/11/05 【國立教育廣播電台】雙語/德國超乎想像: 梅安德的跨域戀曲/用英文學德語1
111/11/05【國立教育廣播電台】雙語 / 德國超乎想像: 梅安德的跨域戀曲 / 用英文學德語1
本校與國立高雄教育廣播電台合作錄製口袋英語單元,於6月開始播出後,獲得廣大迴響。十一月邀請到德國語文系André Maertens梅安德老師和周欣老師錄製「用英文學德文系列」,於11月5日播出,連續4周,歡迎各位師長及同學們一起收聽並將訊息轉給其他認識的學生哦!!詳細資訊可參看國立教育廣播電台臉書粉絲專頁。
邀訪來賓:文藻外語大學德文系助理教授 André Maertens梅安德&周欣
單元介紹 (播出時間 02:20~59:56)
德國人酷酷的? 足球是全民運動? 假日偏好做甚麼呢?
Dr. André Maertens #梅安德從遠方移居異地教學生活,對他來說,台灣人和德國人有許多相似處,當然也有不可避免的文化差異。
至於德國人有多愛足球運動?! 聽了就知道啦 ~
本集節目特別邀請 #周欣 老師協助翻譯,同時分享她也曾在德國留學的文化見聞。
此外,本集開始, #梅安德 特別設計4集 用英文認識德國文化和學習德語精彩單元,涵蓋運動/BEER /城堡及黑森林蛋糕等等,豐富精彩度百分百。
**** Pocket English 口袋英語
來賓:François & Sonia
主題:用英文學德語1 : 足球篇
內容摘要 :
Fußball (soccer / football)
The most popular sport in Germany is “Fußball”. This word is similar to the English word “football”. This sport came from England to Germany. Many people are members of soccer clubs when they are young, not only boys but also girls. The Germans are also supporters of the “Bundesliga”, the national league. Clubs like “FC Bayern München”, “BVB Dortmund” and “Hamburger Sport-Verein” are well-known in the whole of Europe and beyond. Every weekend the fans watch a match in their hometown or they will travel with their team to another city. Sometimes this can be 20.000 people, all in the same colors. And sometimes the police must separate the two fan groups, for security reasons. When you are watching a match, you can use some easy words: You need words like “Tor” which means “goal”. That is what the fans want to see, of course. “Es steht 1 zu 0.” means that one team has one goal and the other team has no goal. “Schieß doch!” is a very emotional sentence. People scream it when they want one of their own players to shoot (“schießen”). In “Fußball” there is a lot of violence, sometimes. And when you think that an enemy player has attacked one of your team, you can scream “Foul!”. It is an English word. No player is allowed to stand behind the enemy team. If this happens people will say “Abseits” which means “Offside”. The game will stop and start again, but the enemy team will have the ball. A match will last 90 minutes, so you can go and buy some sausage, French fries or a beer or lemonade. Many people bring their children and sing songs – they are very loud and very proud. It is more like a festival than only sport. At the end of the match your team has won (“gewonnen”), lost (“verloren”) or it is a draw (“Unentschieden”). But true fans do not care about the result, they are loyal to their club, like a family. And in the evening, many people love to watch the game again in special TV-shows (“Sport-Schau” / “Sport-Studio”) and enjoy listening to the interviews with the players and the team-coaches. Most Germans want to be a soccer expert! Especially all four years when there is the World Cup (“Weltmeisterschaft”). The Germans won this competition 4 times already (1954, 1974, 1990, 2014). And the women´s national team won this title twice (2003, 2007). They are world champions, “Weltmeister”.
主持人:葉思吟 Arielle
email : leafkateyeh@gmail.com
FB : 葉子的漫遊者世界
電台首播時間 : 每周六早晨 8~9點,教育電台播出♫頻道:高屏FM101.7、嘉南FM107.7、澎湖FM99.1、恆春FM99.3
網路收聽連結 : https://reurl.cc/pWNyvZ