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111/09/24 【國立教育廣播電台】雙語/跨國文化大洗禮:吳麗英留學經驗談/異國文化-1:美食樂



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本校與國立高雄教育廣播電台合作錄製口袋英語單元,於6月開始播出後,獲得廣大迴響。這次邀請到文藻外語大學英國語文系副教授 吳麗英 錄製「異國文化系列」,於9月24日播出,連續3周,歡迎各位師長及同學們一起收聽並將訊息轉給其他認識的學生哦!!詳細資訊可參看國立教育廣播電台臉書粉絲專頁。



邀訪來賓:文藻外語大學英國語文系副教授 吳麗英 Li-Ying Wu




關於英文學習,#吳麗英 Li-Ying Wu 透過自身跨國經驗,整理出獨到的見解,以及最真誠想和觀眾分享的學習觀。

此外,今天開始一連三集的口袋英語,也將邀請 #吳麗英 Li-Ying Wu 老師分就不同主題聊聊好吃好玩的主題,敬請期待 !!!


**** Pocket English 口袋英語(收聽時間 06:20-55:20)

來賓:文藻外語大學英國語文系副教授 吳麗英 Li-Ying Wu 


內容摘要 :     

My first sharing is about food. In fact, I never realized that I actually am such a foodie until I studied abroad. I realized much later that perhaps I was one of the few Taiwanese who had never brought instant noodles with them when travelling abroad.

So, food! I like food and enjoy almost different kinds of cuisines from different countries. Here, I would like to share with two particular kinds of national cousins, one from Mexico and the other from Greece. The very first time I was treated Mexican food, I thought it was really disgusting. How could anyone like Mexican food? I said to myself. Well, I had to swallow my words. By the time that I was about to leave the States, I went to different Mexican restaurants that I could find before returning to Taiwan. The Mexican food that I had in the States is actually called Tex Mex which, in a sense, is a blended word from Texan and Mexican. It is not my concern that Tex Mex food may not be considered by Mexicans as authentic. My point is that Tex Mex is really delicious. Of the Tex Mex dishes, guess what I miss the most? It is the simple homemade salsa and fried corn tortillas served to the customers. The corn tortillas are not the same as flour tortillas. The taste is not the same. For me, the taste of corn tortillas is so much nicer than that of the flour tortillas. Being homemade is the key point. It is like the small plat of olives served by restaurants, particularly the small restaurants, in Spain or free homemade kimchi’s served in Korean restaurants. Guacamole is also a dish to go well with homemade salsa. With the main ingredient of Avocado, guacamole with fried corn tortillas can be a refreshing dish for summer.

Now for Greek cuisine, as Greece is a Mediterranean country, it shares many cooking practice and even ingredients with most of the Mediterranean countries. I guess most people know about Greek yoghurt and feta cheese which is also Greek. But do you know that Greek salad is also a very refreshing dish? The ingredients of Greek salad are so simple, feta cheese, olive oil, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Of course, olive oil is also a must for this salad dish and you have to be very generous with olive oil when you make Greek salad. My former Greek course mates used to complain about the cucumbers and tomatoes they got from the supermarket in England had no comparison with those from Greece. The point is that England is not a Mediterranean country and there is no Mediterranean sun to nourish the vegetables. Apart from Greek salad, I also like a Greek dish called Souvlaki. Basically, it is BBQ meat with some lettuce and Greek salad. But the marinade is the key to the success of Souvlaki. You may think that the dishes I talked about are all very simple, too simple to be true. I guess when you taste something foreign, you add some memory spices to the dish you eat and that is why it makes your dining experience unforgettable.



主持人:葉思吟 Arielle

email : leafkateyeh@gmail.com

FB : 葉子的漫遊者世界

電台首播時間 : 每周六早晨 8~9點,教育電台播出♫頻道:高屏FM101.7、嘉南FM107.7、澎湖FM99.1、恆春FM99.3


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