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111/10/01 【國立教育廣播電台】雙語/優游元宇宙 : 曹筱玥的虛擬新視界 /異國文化-2:小鎮遊

111/10/01【國立教育廣播電台】雙語/優游元宇宙 : 曹筱玥的虛擬新視界 /異國文化-2:小鎮遊


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本校與國立高雄教育廣播電台合作錄製口袋英語單元,於6月開始播出後,獲得廣大迴響。這次邀請到文藻外語大學英國語文系副教授 吳麗英 錄製「異國文化系列」,於9月24日播出,連續3周,歡迎各位師長及同學們一起收聽並將訊息轉給其他認識的學生哦!!詳細資訊可參看國立教育廣播電台臉書粉絲專頁。



邀訪來賓:臺北科技大學互動設計系教授&系主任 曹筱玥 / 文藻外語大學英語系副教授&系主任 吳麗英



投身多媒體與VR/AR創作多年的 #曹筱玥 不僅帶領學生認識新世界,自身也創作不輟,2020年3月以《愛與寂寞散步》動畫短片榮獲2020年紐約電影獎殊榮。將女性角色生命觀察,融合表現形式豐富的動畫創作,可說是她多年來所思所想的大鳴放。

除了參與國際創作團隊經驗,曹筱玥更熱情投入故鄉 #馬祖 的地方創生事務,以藍眼淚等主題,嘗試透過虛擬實境和多媒體科技的說故事多元展現,讓更多人看見和聽見馬祖之美~ 充分運用聲光效果,呈現意想不到的離島文化風情。

想了解更多關於 虛擬擴增實境能夠如何創造新視界? 跟著我們一起來遨遊想像吧 !


**** Pocket English 口袋英語(收聽時間 45:45-52:20)

來賓:文藻外語大學英國語文系副教授 吳麗英 Li-Ying Wu 

主題:旅遊英語漫談 : 就是要走不一樣的路

內容摘要 :     

In the 2nd episode, I would like to share with you my travel experience. My travel experience is not about visiting famous or internationally well-known tourist destinations. The places I want to share with you are not touristy places like Rome, Paris or New York. In the following, I share two places. The first one is Keswick in England. Keswick is a small market town and the name of the town is spelled as K-E-S-W-I-C-K. You need to be careful with the pronunciation of the name' Keswick. The letter 'w' is silent. That is why you don't say 'K-E-S-W-I-CK' but 'K-E-S-I-CK'.

As said just now that Keswick is a little English market town at the northern part of the Lake District in England, you may have heard of Lake District in England. In Chinese, it is translated as 湖區, Don’t confuse this place with Peak District which is translated as 峰區. I have never visited the Peak District but I believe it is as beautiful as the Lake District. I studied at Lancaster University over a decade ago. Going to the Lake District should have been very easy as it is only less than one hour' s drive away from the city of Lancaster. But I did not take advantage of my studies at Lancaster to visit the Lake District. It is such a pity. Nonetheless, I managed to visit this market town several times. For people who visit the Lake District, they mostly go to the lakes in the southern part of the Lake District like Windermere. One interesting thing about the names of many lakes in the Lake District, with the ending'-mere' like Windermere, Buttermere, and Grasmere, is that the word ‘-mere,’ is actually old English and the meaning of it is ‘lake’. You see, if you study Old English, you will have no problem understanding the meaning of ‘-mere’ and connecting it to the names of different lakes. Right, back to Keswick. As I said before, Keswick is a market town. For people who live nearby, it is considered big but its population was just over 5200 11 years ago. 10 years later, the population could be more and could be less. But I do not think the population would increase drastically.

One feels very relaxed in this market town with the lake at the southwest of Keswick called Derwentwater and the Skiddaw mountain lying at the north of the town. If you stand by Derwentwater and look to the north of Keswick, you get a fantastic view of the Skiddaw mountain. It is the natural beauty that is very memorable.

After Keswick, I would like to talk about Abruzzo, Italy. The year before I left England, I flew to Abruzzo for my former flat mate's wedding. Anna, my flat mate's name, lived in a town near Pescara in Abruzzo, Italy. Most of you have heard of Rome, Florence, Venice and Milan. Abruzzo most likely has never appeared in your planned trip to Italy. If you get tired of joining an organized tour of Italy and look for an independent travel, do include Abruzzo which is the region in Southern Italy and is divided into 4 provinces. Pescara is one of the provinces in Abruzzo. The time when I visited Pescara for Anna’s wedding, it was late summer. I arrived late but not late for Mediterranean dinner as people from Italy, Spain, and even Greece have dinner very late. It is not unusual to have dinner after 9 PM. I still remember the dinner in a restaurant which seriously was situated in a ruin. It was a full moon evening and we were having dinner in the courtyard of the restaurant, looking up we could see the harvest moon. And the Italian food was so delicious.

Even though the names of the Italian dishes were not familiar to me but the taste of the food is even more delicious than the usual Italian dishes we have in Taiwan. My whole point is that Italy is such a beautiful country with so many spectacular sights. You don’t have to go to well-known destinations to experience the natural beauty and fantastic Italian cuisine. To conclude, either the English Keswick or the Italian Abruzzo, both are as enchanting as the world famous cities. 



主持人:葉思吟 Arielle

email : leafkateyeh@gmail.com

FB : 葉子的漫遊者世界

電台首播時間 : 每周六早晨 8~9點,教育電台播出♫頻道:高屏FM101.7、嘉南FM107.7、澎湖FM99.1、恆春FM99.3


網路收聽連結 :  https://reurl.cc/pWNyvZ



