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111/10/08 【國立教育廣播電台】雙語/不尋常日本:跟著王曉鈴朝聖/異國文化3:英國國協



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圖片取自:王曉鈴 臉書


本校與國立高雄教育廣播電台合作錄製口袋英語單元,於6月開始播出後,獲得廣大迴響。這次邀請到文藻外語大學英國語文系副教授 吳麗英 錄製「異國文化系列」,於9月24日播出,連續3周,歡迎各位師長及同學們一起收聽並將訊息轉給其他認識的學生哦!!詳細資訊可參看國立教育廣播電台臉書粉絲專頁。



邀訪來賓:旅遊作家 王曉鈴 / 文藻外語大學英國語文系副教授&系主任 吳麗英


日治時期的台北,竟有一條朝聖之路 ? !


旅遊作家 #王曉鈴 從記者轉身寫作,透過碩士論文爬梳,一路追蹤出這些隱藏許久的故事......


日本旅行,也許可以更加有人聞味 ~ 台日之間的情誼,可能遠比想像中的深厚。

這一集,聽聽不一樣的台日之旅吧 !


**** Pocket English 口袋英語(47:45~53:55)

來賓:文藻外語大學英國語文系副教授 吳麗英 Li-Ying Wu 

主題:異國文化3 : 深入認識英國國協

內容摘要 :     

The 3rd episode presents some information of the UK that perhaps you do not know. The United Kingdom of Great Britain, shortened as the UK, is consisted of 3 countries and one territory. Here in Taiwan, people tend to refer to the UK as a country (in Mandarin Chinese as 國家). So the Chinese translation of 國家 for the English word, country, is not accurate for the translation of the UK which is the United Kingdom of Great Britain. If we stick to the Chinese translation, then the UK should consist of three countries which are England, Scotland and Wales. You see there are more than 3 countries in what we call the UK. In addition to England, Scotland, and Wales, the United Kingdom also includes the northeast of the island of Ireland, Northern Ireland. Now, apart from the Union Jack, the national flag of the United Kingdom, each country of the UK has its own flag. For England, it is Saint Georg’s flag. Saint Andrew’s flag is Scotland’s flag whereas the flag of Red Dragon represents Wales. The flag of Northern Ireland is called Ulster Banner. The capital of England is London. It is also the capital of the United Kingdom. Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland whereas Cardiff is the capital of Wales. Belfast is the capital city of Northern Ireland. The reason why the capital cities of the UK countries are introduced is because each capital city has its own character. London, one of the largest tourist destinations in the world is of course not unfamiliar with people in Taiwan. London has many tourist sights, lots of cultural activities, pubs, and musicals. This city used to be the capital city of the former British Empire. In London, you can find so many restaurants offering multinational and multiethnic cuisines. And it is a city where you want to keep visiting again and again. In contrast, Edinburgh is much smaller and more compact. But it is nonetheless a city that has its charm. As Scotland’s capital city, Edinburgh is of course the city that represents Scottish culture the most. Walking in the streets of Edinburgh, you can see people wearing Scottish kilts and the pipe music of Scottish folk songs seems to accompany you wherever you are in Edinburgh. Moreover, let’s not forget the well-known annual cultural events every August including Edinburgh Art Festival and Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Edinburgh is the city that one should visit to experience unique Scottish culture. As for Cardiff and Belfast, the capital cities for Wales and Northern Ireland, I personally have not visited them but I firmly believe that both cities have their respective characters to offer. So, do visit the UK as it is where the English language originated. The 3rd episode presents some information of the UK that perhaps you do not know. The United Kingdom of Great Britain, shortened as the UK, is consisted of 3 countries and one territory. Here in Taiwan, people tend to refer to the UK as a country (in Mandarin Chinese as 國家). So the Chinese translation of 國家 for the English word, country, is not accurate for the translation of the UK which is the United Kingdom of Great Britain. If we stick to the Chinese translation, then the UK should consist of three countries which are England, Scotland and Wales. You see there are more than 3 countries in what we call the UK. In addition to England, Scotland, and Wales, the United Kingdom also includes the northeast of the island of Ireland, Northern Ireland. Now, apart from the Union Jack, the national flag of the United Kingdom, each country of the UK has its own flag. For England, it is Saint Georg’s flag. Saint Andrew’s flag is Scotland’s flag whereas the flag of Red Dragon represents Wales. The flag of Northern Ireland is called Ulster Banner. The capital of England is London. It is also the capital of the United Kingdom. Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland whereas Cardiff is the capital of Wales. Belfast is the capital city of Northern Ireland. The reason why the capital cities of the UK countries are introduced is because each capital city has its own character. London, one of the largest tourist destinations in the world is of course not unfamiliar with people in Taiwan. London has many tourist sights, lots of cultural activities, pubs, and musicals. This city used to be the capital city of the former British Empire. In London, you can find so many restaurants offering multinational and multiethnic cuisines. And it is a city where you want to keep visiting again and again. In contrast, Edinburgh is much smaller and more compact. But it is nonetheless a city that has its charm. As Scotland’s capital city, Edinburgh is of course the city that represents Scottish culture the most. Walking in the streets of Edinburgh, you can see people wearing Scottish kilts and the pipe music of Scottish folk songs seems to accompany you wherever you are in Edinburgh. Moreover, let’s not forget the well-known annual cultural events every August including Edinburgh Art Festival and Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Edinburgh is the city that one should visit to experience unique Scottish culture. As for Cardiff and Belfast, the capital cities for Wales and Northern Ireland, I personally have not visited them but I firmly believe that both cities have their respective characters to offer. So, do visit the UK as it is where the English language originated.



主持人:葉思吟 Arielle

email : leafkateyeh@gmail.com

FB : 葉子的漫遊者世界

電台首播時間 : 每周六早晨 8~9點,教育電台播出♫頻道:高屏FM101.7、嘉南FM107.7、澎湖FM99.1、恆春FM99.3


網路收聽連結 :  https://reurl.cc/pWNyvZ



