111/11/12 【國立教育廣播電台】雙語/更美好的文字風景:justfont進行式/用英文學德語2
本校與國立高雄教育廣播電台合作錄製口袋英語單元,於6月開始播出後,獲得廣大迴響。十一月邀請到德國語文系André Maertens梅安德老師錄製「用英文學德文系列」,於11月5日播出,連續4周,歡迎各位師長及同學們一起收聽並將訊息轉給其他認識的學生哦!!詳細資訊可參看國立教育廣播電台臉書粉絲專頁。
邀訪來賓:justfont CEO&共同創辦人 葉俊麟 / justfont 設計總監 林霞 / 文藻外語大學德文系助理教授 André Maertens梅安德
蘭陽明體創造者 justfont 的CEO #葉俊麟與 設計總監 #林霞 義不容辭如此回應。
隨著台灣文化產業風潮當盛,更多人開始關注字體美學,接連設計出 #金萱字體 #OPEN粉圓體 以及今年11月登場的 #蘭陽明體......的justfont團隊,不斷嘗試創造出更美好的文字風景。
取名不僅十分接地氣,字體的個性更具有當代性,試想 #蘭陽明體 融合蘭陽平原的流動韻律之感 ~~~
**** Pocket English 口袋英語 (播出時間 47:20~52:37)
來賓:文藻外語大學德文系助理教授 André Maertens梅安德
主題:用英文學德語2 : 黑森林蛋糕篇 Black Forest cake
內容摘要 :
Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte (Black Forest cake)
“Torte” is a word for a sweet cake with a lot of fruits and cream. There are many kinds of “Torte” in Germany, like in many other European countries. Some are simple, they look like a bread and you can eat them with tea or coffee in the afternoon, the Germans call this “Kuchen”. Some are very special and expensive, maybe for a wedding or a birthday, then it is normally called “Torte”.
This kind of “Torte” is a special tradition in Germany. Where is the name coming from? The south-eastern region of Germany is called “Schwarz-Wald” which means “Black Forest”. In the past, these mountains were hard to cross and looked very dark, that is why people called it “black”. In our time, many tourists like to travel here and enjoy the nature, the mountains, the lakes or waterfalls, and many buy a cuckoo clock made in “Schwarzwald”. In winter you can go skiing. But prepare for really cold weather!
This “Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte” is made of cream (“Sahne”), chocolate (“Schokolade”), red cherries (“rote Kirschen”) and some alcohol called “Kirschwasser”. This alcohol is produced mostly in “Schwarzwald”. Some also see a similarity between this also dark, white and red “Kirsch-Torte” and the traditional costumes for women in “Schwarzwald”. The women wear dark and white dresses and their hats have red cloth balls on it.
In the other parts of Germany you can find many other types of cakes. Many cakes are made of fruits like apples, plums, strawberries and even rhubarb. Very popular is also “Käsekuchen” (cheese cake). And for Christmas there is a special cake called “Stollen”. The most famous “Stollen” is made in the East-German city of Dresden. It is made of butter, raisins, lemons and white powdered sugar. This is a dry cake, but very delicious. When the Germans see this, they will immediately remember their childhood days in winter when Christmas was celebrated. In many families, parents and children are baking cookies for Christmas and enjoy many of them already while working in the kitchen!
主持人:葉思吟 Arielle
email : leafkateyeh@gmail.com
FB : 葉子的漫遊者世界
電台首播時間 : 每周六早晨 8~9點,教育電台播出♫頻道:高屏FM101.7、嘉南FM107.7、澎湖FM99.1、恆春FM99.3
網路收聽連結 : https://reurl.cc/pWNyvZ