111/11/26 【國立教育廣播電台】雙語/優游藍染森林:林曉鳳的自在創作/用英文學德語4
本校與國立高雄教育廣播電台合作錄製口袋英語單元,於6月開始播出後,獲得廣大迴響。十一月邀請到德國語文系André Maertens梅安德老師錄製「用英文學德文系列」,於11月5日播出,連續4周,歡迎各位師長及同學們一起收聽並將訊息轉給其他認識的學生哦!!詳細資訊可參看國立教育廣播電台臉書粉絲專頁。
邀訪來賓:自在染 isvara 藝術工坊創辦人 林曉鳳 / 文藻外語大學德文系助理教授 André Maertens梅安德
藍染取材自然,#林曉鳳 走入人煙稀少的森林後,開啟無窮創作靈感中,不再回頭。
#林曉鳳 和他的團隊成員逐漸開創出一條路。
當很多人不看好她時,她認為自己是在做對的事情,因此未曾回頭眷戀,只因為,前方還有一大片森林等著她去挖掘和探訪 ~
**** Pocket English 口袋英語 (播出時間 45:40~51:28)
來賓:文藻外語大學德文系助理教授 André Maertens梅安德
內容摘要 :
Bier (beer)
The origin of beer is not in Germany but in the Czech Republic, right next to Germany. But like many other European countries (Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, United Kingdom), the Germans have a long tradition of producing and drinking beer. In the past, they even created a law about the production and the purity of beer (“Reinheitsgebot”). This way, no artificial ingredients should be added to the “pure” beer. We should remember that in the past centuries beer sometimes was cleaner than water and therefore had to be protected. But first of all beer is drunk for its taste and also because it is alcohol.
In Germany you can buy different brands of beer, from German companies like Warsteiner, Erdinger, Rothäusle and many more. But there are also very small local beer companies for a city only. And they are very popular among the locals who like to drink their “own” beer. When you look at the map of Germany you will find different regions for beer: In Bavaria, people like to drink wheat beer (“Weizen-Bier”), it has a bright color and is served in big vase-shaped 500-ml glasses. For most people this is already a lot of beer (and alcohol). In the West of Germany, in Cologne, you can order “Kölsch” and you will get a small glass of light beer. But be careful! The waiter will fill it until you say stop by putting your coaster (the hard paper under the glass) on top of your glass. In Berlin, people drink “Berliner Weiße” and sometimes they add some sweet juice to the beer.
But the alcohol also has a negative side! Many people get drunk and drive. Terrible accidents, especially at the weekend, are the sad result of drinking too much alcohol. So be careful with drinking too much or too often. Better enjoy the taste of one beer and have a safe and healthy day or evening. The Germans say “Prost” when they toast with their friends, and that means “May it be good for your health!”
主持人:葉思吟 Arielle
email : leafkateyeh@gmail.com
FB : 葉子的漫遊者世界
電台首播時間 : 每周六早晨 8~9點,教育電台播出♫頻道:高屏FM101.7、嘉南FM107.7、澎湖FM99.1、恆春FM99.3
網路收聽連結 : https://reurl.cc/pWNyvZ