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111/12/24 【國立教育廣播電台】雙語/哈囉!山上的朋友:順訪部落復興文化/用英文學西語3



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邀訪來賓:哈囉山上的朋友20號南橫公路之旅作者 吳治華 / 南橫復興教會牧師 Aka Lubi. Lin / 文藻大學西文系助理教授 Martin 杜建毅




今年,不妨開車上山度過寧靜又歡樂的聖誕節吧! 在南橫沿線的部落幾乎都會妝點家戶,點點燈光彷彿不夜城,寧靜中帶有祝福。

南橫復興部落教會在南橫公路開通後,在老人家和年輕人共同努力下,除了持續保持當地所產的 #高山愛玉 品質優良外,也開始投入部落創生,可望帶來更多生機,此外,透過帶領遊客認識部落,讓彼此更了解彼此,共同守護山林。

而 #哈囉!山上的朋友:台20號南橫公路之旅 作者 #吳治華 也將聊聊在寫書探訪部落和沿線朋友之際,那些人事物格外觸動他? 又有哪些故事特別值得分享?

在2022年之末,也是 本節目與葉子 即將暫時告別的倒數時刻,一起重溫南橫公路之美與溫暖吧!


**** Pocket English 口袋英語 (播出時間 38:10~39:25)

來賓:Martin 杜建毅 (文藻大學西文系助理教授)

主題:用英文認識西班牙文化3-3 : Spain Festivals

內容摘要 :     


When thinking about living and working in Spain, most people immediately have in mind are the sun, the beach, the food and the festivals. It is often said that the life of Spaniards is one huge fiesta. They eat five meals a day, a long lunch time and take a nap, la siesta, after lunch.

Do they work? Of course they do.

In Spain, working days are typically Monday to Friday and working hours are fixed to 40 hours per week. Still, the Spanish start working around 9 am and finish around 8 pm. The lunch break about 2-3 hours makes the daily life in week days pretty long. Therefore, Spanish workers don’t work is not true.

Spain has one of the highest life expectancy of the world at 83 years, almost two years more than Taiwan. And, it has the second-highest unemployment rate in the EU, behind only Greece. So it’s interesting to know the Spanish way of life to live long.

The sun shines all year round and Spanish people love to enjoy each and every one of its rays. They like to go out for a walk. They love eating, talking, laughing, taking time for a coffee, etc. The pace of life in Spain is slow. You must learn a Spanish word, tranquilo, it means calm down, don’t worry. There is nothing to worry about. Sun will rise tomorrow, right?

Spanish people work to live rather than live to work. People talk about work less and longer vacations. It is often said that the life of all Spaniards is one huge fiesta. Now we must know what this word fiesta means. A fiesta is a celebration or a party. You can use the word fiesta for any party, for example, birthday party. It also means holiday, a day off. In Spanish speaking countries it means a religious festival, especially a saint's day.

Traditionally, most holidays in Spain have been religious in origin. The most important of these are La Semana Santa, or Holy Week, and la Navidad, the Christmas. Besides, every village and town has its own annual holiday fiesta, and these are probably the most important holidays in the daily lives of the Spanish people. These holidays are religious to honor the local patron saint, but the religious component is often much less important than the dancing and bullfights that take place, look more like a great party than a sacred ritual.

Some of these celebrations, such as the Fiesta de San Fermín in Pamplona (with its famous running of the bulls), the Spring fair in Sevilla, and the Fallas of Valencia, have become internationally famous and have turned into major tourist attractions. Since I studied in Pamplona, let me talk about this festival today.

La Fiesta de San Fermín, or Festival of Saint Fermín, is held annually in Pamplona, a small city in northern Spain. Beginning at noon on July 6 and ending at midnight on July 14, the festival has its origin from the 12th century, is to honor the city’s first bishop and patron saint, Saint Fermín. The fiesta starts with fireworks called chupinazo at noon on July 6 and ends on July 14th with the singing of “Pobre de Mí”, Old Poor Me.

From July 7 to July 14 at 8am the bulls to be used in the daily bullfights are run through the streets of the town to the Bull Ring , or Bullfighting Arena, Plaza de Toros in Spanish. The track covers about 850 meters. Every morning it takes twelve bulls about 3-5 minutes to finish.

The Running of the Bulls is open to everyone aged 18 or over who wishes to take part. The chance of being hit or gored by a bull is relatively low. However, since the running is the last program of the day, the possibility of being trampled on by other runners is quite frequent. It can result in serious injuries.

Pamplona has a population about 200,000. Each year hosts 1,000,000 participants over the course of the San Fermín Festival. If the San Fermín fiestas were already big the well-known American writer Ernest Miller Hemingway, made them universal. Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature 1954. Both locals and tourists participate in the San Fermín made famous in his 1926 novel The Sun Also Rises.

Each festival has a completely unique vibe, with unforgettable traditions and customs that make it unlike any other celebration in the world. Participating in Spain’s lively and passionate festivals is a good way to know the culture, and for sure, you will fall in love with this country.



主持人:葉思吟 Arielle

email : leafkateyeh@gmail.com

FB : 葉子的漫遊者世界

電台首播時間 : 每周六早晨 8~9點,教育電台播出♫頻道:高屏FM101.7、嘉南FM107.7、澎湖FM99.1、恆春FM99.3


網路收聽連結 :  https://reurl.cc/pWNyvZ



