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海外獎助學金募款專案Overseas Scholarship Fundraising Program


Overseas Scholarship Fundraising Program 
The Younger Generations Make a Better World through Action
Entrepreneurs Cultivate World Citizens through Charity










一、專案說明 Background and Motivation  

  • 文藻外語大學於1966年成立,是全台灣唯一的外語大學。文藻創校近半世紀,多年來不斷為國內培育優秀的外語人才,其國際化辦學績效,屢獲社會各界的高度肯定。未來,文藻期望透過業界資源的投入,協助在校生將理論與實務結合,進而與全球社會接軌,培育更多具行動力及國際觀的社會新鮮人。

       Founded in 1966, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages is the one and only university of language education institution in Taiwan  . For the past nearly half century, countless outstanding professionals of  foreign languages have been cultivated, and the University’s operation has expanded in an        internationalized manner. These achievements are highly acclaimed by all sectors of society. In the future, Wenzao expects to integrate the resources of industry to impart knowledge that incorporates theory and practice to our students so that they can better connect to the world and become part of            the workforce as talents who put ideas into action with a global view.

  • 為使文藻優秀學生不因家庭經濟因素而放棄出國交流機會,透過本募款專案,為學生籌募款項,協助他們完成赴海外實習、擔任國際志工或國際交換生的夢想,用行動改變世界。

       To enable economically disadventaged students to go abroad to serve as interns,  international volunteers or exchange students, this fundraising program was thereby proposed with the expectation that the students will be able to take action  to change the world for the better.

  • 為吸引非本國籍學生來台攻讀本校正式學位,擬透過本募款專案,提供全球優秀人才獎助學傳承灣優質的文化與教育。

   To draw overseas students to seek academic degrees in Wenzao, this  fundraising program also provides sholarships for talents from all over the world so as to pass on Taiwan's quality cultures and education.

二、經費需求 Funds Required


 自 2007年起,文藻每年暑假有十多名學生赴泰北清邁山區的兩所學校,從事中文、電腦與才藝教學。培養師生落實吳甦樂學校SERVIAM的辦學精神,擬計劃將文藻國際志工服務據點進一步拓展至「柬埔寨」、「印度」、 「菲律賓」等國。

 A. International volunteer service: NTD 2 million each year

Since 2007, more than ten of Wenzao’s students have served at two schools in the mountain area of Chiang Mai in Thailand every summer vacation, dedicating themselves to the teaching of the Chinese language, as well as computer and other skills. To put Wenzao’s SERVIAM spirit into full play, we hope to expand the international volunteer service into Cambodia, India and the Philippines.


本校積極推動及鼓勵學生在學期間赴國外姊妹校擔任交換生,或前往海外機構進行實習課程,以拓展學生之國際視野,並提升其畢業後之職場競爭力。然而,部分文藻優秀學生礙於家庭經濟壓力,無法負擔國外生活費用,尤其歐美地區的住宿費及生活費用昂貴,令許 多優秀學生望之卻步。 因此,透過本募款專案,可幫助更多學生赴海外增廣見聞。

B. Internships in global industry: NTD 5 million each year

Wenzao has been proactively encouraging students to serve as exchange students in its sister schools in foreign countries or interns in an overseas organization so that they will be equipped with a global view and better employability in the future. However, some of Wenzao’s outstanding students may no be able to fulfill their dreams due to financial difficulties . They can't afford the costly living expenese, in particular countries in Europe or North America. It is for this reason that this fundraising program is launched for more students to expand their horizons abroad with the funding of this program.  


       1. 外國學生獎學金每年約需新台幣500萬元

       2. 優秀大陸及港澳地區學位生獎學金每年約需新台幣200萬元 

C. Empowering more world citizens

              1.  Scholarships for international students: NTD 5 million each year

              2.  Scholarships for outstanding students from mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau: NTD 2 million each year.


           1.  郵政劃撥/郵政帳號:04879956戶名:文藻學校財團法人文藻外語大學【郵政劃撥時,請註明捐款「海外獎助學金募款專案」,以利寄發收據。】

           2. 信用卡/請下載授權表格,並於填妥後傳真至: (07) 310-1013

           3. 現金/請逕至文藻公關室捐款  


Three ways to help: 

             1.  Postal Remmittance :

                  Account Name: Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages (Chunghwa Post); Account Number: 04879956. Please specify the deposit is used for the Overseas Scholarship Fundraising Program to facilitate the delivering of the donation receipt.

             2.  Credit Card : Please download the Credit Card Payment Authorization Form at the webpage of  Wenzao’s Public Relations Office, fill out the form and fax it to 886-7-3101013.

             3.  Cash : You may make a donation at the Public Relations Office in person.

                  (According to articles 17 and 36 of the Tax Income Tax of the Republic of China, a tax cut is entailed for the donation.)