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111/12/10 【國立教育廣播電台】雙語/ Hola !西班牙: Martin的奇幻旅程 / 用英文學西語1

111/12/10【國立教育廣播電台】雙語/ Hola !西班牙: Martin的奇幻旅程 / 用英文學西語1


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邀訪來賓:文藻大學西文系助理教授 Martin 杜建毅

單元介紹 (播出時間02:40~57:25)



#Martin杜建毅 在其他人還不識很認識西班牙時,即前往留學,很大原因考量,其實是.......



本集開始,口袋英語 邀請 #Martin杜建毅 特別設計連續3集以英文認識西班牙文化,以及學會簡單西語的單元,實用又能快速掌握西班牙。

**** Pocket English 口袋英語

來賓:Martin 杜建毅 (文藻大學西文系助理教授)

主題:用英文認識西班牙文化3-1 : Spain in general 

內容摘要 :     

Spain in general
Europe for many Taiwanese people are England, Italy, Germany and France. An
unknown country, there is no direct flight between Taiwan and Spain. Including
transit time, it takes over twenty hours to arrive in the second fourest country in
Western Europe. At this long trip, two connecting flights are normal and the tickets
are more expensive. However, if you have some ideas about Spain, you would know
this country is worth visiting. This country was the first empire where the sun never
sets. Our neighboring country to the south, the Philippines, was the territory of Spain
till 1898, that’s why the country is the largest Christian nation in Asia. Over 400
million people around the globe speaking Spanish as their first language and millions
more as a second language, Spanish is one of the most widespread languages of
today's modern world. Let’s learn something about this beautiful country and some
simple expression in Spanish.
Spain is a big country. The country occupies an area of 505,992 km², making it the
fourth-largest in Europe, after Russia, Ukraine and France. Compared, it is about
twice the size of the United Kingdom or 14 times bigger than Taiwan. The current
population of Spain is almost about 47 million, it means twice that of Taiwan.
Therefore, Taiwan is overcrowded while Spain is empty. Spain owns two cities on
mainland Africa, Ceuta and Melilla, and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. If
you are old enough, at my age, about fifties, you might know who is 三毛, a famous
female writer and translator who died in 1991 at 47. Her husband is Spanish José,
known as 荷西 in her writings. They lived in the Spanish-controlled Western Sahara
and the Canary Islands. In 2018 the local authorities design a route dedicated to the
三毛 to attract Chinese tourists. Ironically the young generations in Taiwan don’t
know this writer, even the students of the Spanish Department. If you don’t know 三
毛, supposed you know the song 橄欖樹. The lyrics to “The Olive Tree", were based
on an English-language poem by Sanmao, which was originally written about a small
donkey which Sanmao had encountered on a plain in Spain.
Spain is a sunny country. The temperatures are mild, but there are still differences
depending on the seasons and areas of the country. The temperatures are high
during the months of July and August, which are hot and dry throughout the whole
country. The coldest temperatures occur during the months of December, January
and February, which are the months with the most rainfall, mainly in the north of
Spain. Therefore, Spring (March to May) or Fall (September to November) are the
best times to visit Spain. Or, visit the northern Spain in summer and the south in
winter. If you like shopping, the winter sales usually start on January 7 th and the
summer sales on the first of July in the majority of Spain's regions. So, depends on
your needs to visit Spain, or the good weather or the big sales seasons.
Even you go to Spain in springs or autumns for the weather, the cost of living in this
country is still a big pro for tourists. Spain is one of the most popular countries in
Europe for tourism because of the cost of living is not as high as other western
countries. The capital Madrid has lower living costs than most North American cities.
One cup of coffee with milk, café con leche in Spanish, is around one euro, 31 NTD,

while you usually at least pay double in France. It’s easily to find something you are
looking for in fair price in Spain, from high-end fashion brands in shopping center to
hand crafts in traditional markets.
If you like architecture, you must visit Spain. One of the most fascinating buildings, la
Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, the second city of the country, has been under
construction since 1882, and the finishing date is not known yet, maybe in 2026 or
later, over 140 years after it was started. You can find some of the best art museum
in Madrid, the Prado Museum y the Reind Sofía Musem. Art lovers also like the
Picasso Museum in Barcelona, enjoy the Valencia Modern Art Institute, and the
branch of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.
Spain has a fascinating history that is well-preserved in its buildings. Never miss the
Golden Triangle in Andalucía, the southern part of Spain, they are Granada, Córdoba,
and Sevilla. The Moors occupied Spain for more than seven hundred of years. In here
the master pieces built by the Muslims are highly appreciated. Here´s also the home
of flamenco, one of the best famous culture in Spain.
There are so many reasons to visit Spain, you could find one for yourself. No matter
what it is, Spain never upsets you.
Before you start your trip, let’s some expressions in Spanish. The first is “hola”, This
is one of the most known words in Spanish, it means “hello”. If you like to say “thank
you”, you can say “gracias” or “muchas gracias”, it means “many thanks”. Another
common word, “adios” simply means “goodbye.” 



主持人:葉思吟 Arielle

email : leafkateyeh@gmail.com

FB : 葉子的漫遊者世界

電台首播時間 : 每周六早晨 8~9點,教育電台播出♫頻道:高屏FM101.7、嘉南FM107.7、澎湖FM99.1、恆春FM99.3


網路收聽連結 :  https://reurl.cc/pWNyvZ



